I'll start off by saying that I've been incredibly spoiled this summer. The weather has been amazing. And while the cool nights took some getting used to, I can't imagine better summer weather. This week I got a teast of what normal San Francisco summer weather is like - cloudy, misty, and cold. It was a welcomed change, but I couldn't imagine that for 2 months straight.
The week back after a long work trip is always fairly relaxing so not much to report on the weekdays. Thursday I went to see The Dark Knight rises with Maddy and another friend at Kabuki Theater (pretty sure I've posted about this theater before). It's such an amazing theater experience since you can drink and get great food. I didn't partake in either, but it's there! I was impressed with the movie, but 2 hours and 45 minutes is, well, a long freaking movie. Definitely worth a visit to the theater though.
Friday I decided to do my long run after work so I wouldn't have to do it later in the weekend. I didn't reach the mileage I intended to run, but was able to get in around 13.5. I had a night of cooking to look forward to which definitely kept me going. A friend (my almost roommate) brought over some fresh tomatoes, beets and greens from his garden (so yum) and I grabbed some pizza dough from a nearby joint - Za Pizza. I have never actually had their pizza, but hear it's amazing. They were taking pizza's out of the oven when I was in there and I wanted to jump over the counter and house one (I was hungry). Maddy and her boyfriend joined as well - it was a great dinner. It always feels good to eat at the dining room table. We ended the night watching the Olympics, which I'm obsessed with and have been spending most of my nights watching.
Though my run killed me a bit, I was pumped to get up and go hiking with Lindsay (a friend and hiking enthusiast) the next morning. Usually she picks the hike and surprises me - it's great! We went to the Tennessee Valley and hiked a trail past Pirate's Cove to Muir Beach. It was really foggy so there wasn't much of a view, but the trail was a good mix of strenuous and scenic. It definitely drained all of my energy though. That night, I got to catch up with another former coworker and hear about her recent trip, as well as another coworker, over dinner. We headed out to the Mission for MAPP. We all were keeping an open mind and Christina certainly didn't lead us astray. We saw a great Latin music group in a clothing store and went to someone's house for more music. I won't explain that situation, because it wouldn't do it justice. All in all, a great night of the arts.
Today was a lazy day for me. I had been hoarding ingredients for one of my favorite cookie recipes and finally made them - Marathon Cookies. Got some work done, cleaned, laundered clothes, etc. Turned on the Olympics, of course, and saw USA Volleyball play Turkey. We may be seeing a lot of my friend Courtney since the starting setter may be injured...
A great end to the weekend when the sun came out in the afternoon. We have a table in the back area of our apartment now - huzzah! Looking forward to using it a lot.
This coming week is going to be a doozy. Cannot wait to see all of the UMassers for Outside Lands. Gonna be cray cray!
Have a great Monday!
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